Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3

This cute little rugrat, is just getting around everywhere these days. He is still doing the army crawl, but he is quick! Every once in a while he will get up on his knees and rock back and forth, but I don't think it feels so good on the hard wood floor. Ashton is just the sweetest little guy, he is always smiling always wakes up talking his babbling baby talk, I love it! Now he is making the funniest little faces, squishing up his nose, sucking on his lips trying to feel those new little teeth. His first tooth came in just before Christmas and he is waiting on that second one, it looks like its just days away. Soon I will be able to get one of those big toothy baby smiles on camera. O-ya and Ashton is just like his big brother, he loves the camera, such a ham! As soon and I get that camera in front of his face he is smiling, its the funniest thing! Stay posted for the big cheese photo!

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