Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18

So I have said it before and I will say it again, I am not above bribing McClain to eat well... It is always such a fight with him to eat his meals, and try new foods. And I just felt like if I could get him to start trying some new foods and eating better, that maybe it would stick. So one day I had a bright idea that I would buy a bunch of $2.oo toys 'r' us gift cards (yes the girl at the check out looked at me like I was crazy) and McClain could earn them for his good eating habits among other behavior that deserves a reward. Any how I came home with my $30.oo worth of $2.oo gift cards and gave McClain the plan... Rule #1 Good eating and #2 no whining! (I think I will be adding Rule #3 share your brothers toys with your brother!) And we call the gift cards toys 'r' us bucks. So McClain doesn't get bucks every day, because he doesn't earn one each day, but that is life, so on the days when he really does a great job and earns a buck, I make a big deal of it. He has a special bag that he picks them out of and a special box he keeps them in. Well today was the day we made our trip to toys 'r' us, the big boy toys 'r' us, not the one just for babies according to McClain. LOL. So we went in and after getting the needed items, we headed over to the toy section and I let him look and browse the isles for as long as he wanted, trying to find the perfect toy. He had something in mind and I knew exactly what it was, but I was hoping he would find something else that he wanted. He was looking for this 'fire house', he had one before, and sadly, it's a piece of J-U-N-K. Broke in a matter of hours. So he was so funny walking up and down the isles looking at toys, pointing things out then saying, nope that's not it. So we came across the prized toy he was looking for, and it was actually up higher than he could see, so even though I didn't want him to pick that, I brought it down for him. Because that is how I am, I want him to have what he wants, and well he earned it, it was his bucks to spend. But I did ask if he wanted to look at anything else, nope that was it, that was just what he was looking for. As soon as he had that 'fire house' in his hands it was straight to the check out, he wanted to get home to play. So after we paid, we hit the ride on plane on the way out and off we went. Just a side note on the way home I missed our exit, got off at the next one where there was construction and a 4 mile line to get off, and well kind of 'tapped' the car in front of us by not paying close enough attention to my moving forward. Back to the real story, we got home and ate some lunch and started to assemble the 'fire house', not with a whole lot of luck I may add. But McClain played that with his well earned prize for the rest of the day. O-ya he also added a root beer and white cheese popcorn at the check out...LOL guess he showed me buying junk food with his bucks he earned for eating his fruits and veggies...

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