Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16

Ashton is discovering new foods all the time, and even though they are all still baby foods, no table foods yet, its still funny to watch him and see what he likes and dislikes. Of course he likes all his fruits and his juice. He does good with mos of his veggies, peas are his least favorite, but its kind of funny to see him shutter every once in a while with a bite of peas. Anyway I have been giving him biter biskets every day, I break of itty-bitty-tiny pieces and leave them on the try and he will get some up with his fingers and I put some in his mouth. And he loooveeees them! He opens his mouth and lunges forward for more 'cookie' (as we call them) and well I walk away with it, he gets so mad and yells at me. So today he had finished his breakfast and I got the box of 'cookies' out and he was just bouncing with excitement. So I started breaking it up for him and McClain and Clint were also at the table and Clint looks at me and says "give him the whole cookie, he can do it". So once again I reluctantly gave him the 'cookie' worried he would choke on it. O-my-goodness was he happy to get a hold of that thing, he got that in his mouth, took a big -ol-bite and just mushed it around in his mouth, there was no prying that little goodie out of his hand.

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