Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25

Off and walking... So one of my New Years Resolutions was to finish a 1/2 marathon (walking of course), but at this rate it won't happen. Any how we have been out and walking each day this week. I really think that my marathon begins with getting the boys out the door to go walking in the morning. Its a real drill to get all of us ready. I have been getting up at 5:45 am (yes really) every morning, getting myself ready, start a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, make beds, start McClain's breakfast then pack our little walking back pack for the stroller; and only after that is all done do I allow myself to get my coffee.(or lets face it I would just sit down and enjoy my coffee for to long) Then while McClain is eating breakfast I go ahead do my blog and drink my coffee until Ashton wakes up. When Ashton is up I give him his bottle and maybe play on the floor for a few minutes, get him dresses, get McClain his meds and get him dressed. We are then out the door, boys bundled up because it has been cold out there in the am's. We plug in our ipod into the stoller and hit the sidewalk. (for the most part, this is Hemet) Our route for the day depends on what McClain wants to see; horses, cows, chickens, or Auntie Dawn's school. We never know where we may end up, I just try to remember where ever it is, I still have to get back and Ashton will need his morning oatmeal and fruit. Somehow even though I never know which way we will go until we get going, I usually make it home in just about exactly and hour, which is really perfect timing because its time for Ashton to eat breakfast and I am tuckered out and the boys are ready to get out of the stroller too. So far we have made it up to 4.4 miles( I think, don't count on me to have added that right). Don't think I'll do much better than that in just an hour, but hey its healthy and fun, we will keep it up I think.

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