Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10

So Ashton is your typical baby boy, you bring out a box of toys and well the toys get tossed out and the boxed gets played with. These little boxes I use around the house to pick things up and transport them to their homes at the end of the day, and well every time he can get his had on one he ends up with the box upside down on top of his head. The laundry basket too, of course there is always a laundry basket out having to kiddos who go through a lot of clothes and towels, lots of blankets, etc... I always take him for a ride from the dryer into the house in the laundry basket when its full of clean clothes. He kinda just looks at me like I'm crazy, its when we get back into the house and get sat on the floor to fold when he gets excited. He now likes to reach his hand in the basket and pull something out, shake it around, then go for something else. But its best when the basket is all empty and he can flip it over and get under it. Remind me again why we buy them toys? Seems to me like we have everything he possible wants here already, phone, remote, laundry basket, empty water bottle... And yet I feel like when I walk by a toy I think he may like, he just can't be with out it. But I do love to buy him toys too, I just picture his little face and what he will do when he sees a new toy, and then I just can't wait to give it to him. But really I guess they need a little or a lot actually of both, they are little guys the need to learn the ways of this crazy world they are in and a little or a lot (in my kids case) or spoiling too. Like my Grams tells me all your kids smell that way, and as they should.

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