Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 14

Shrimp! OK, I admit I am and always have been totally afraid of my kids having an allergic reaction to anything, mostly foods, because they are always trying new foods and well you just don't know until you try right. Anyway Clint and I were having shrimp and rice for dinner, I had made McClain chicken to go with his rice. No big deal I know McClain and he loves his chicken and would totally frown on shrimp; in fact I just knew he would be admit about how much he 'don't like it' even though he had never had it. So Clint puts a shrimp on his plate, I just about fell over, what in the world was he thinking, McClain has never had any sea food let alone shell fish. So I walk over to McClain at the dinner table and remove the shrimp and wipe the plate (yes I did) where it was. McClain was totally fine with that. We were all eating and talking and out of the blue he decided he wanted a shrimp and would not let it go, of course Clint jumped up and cut one up for him, knowing I took the first one away. Well McClain ate it all up in about 2 seconds flat. I just stared at him trying to remember to breath. He asked for more... Clint jumped up at cut up 3 more for him. O - my gosh, is he trying to give me a panic attack? Well guess what all was fine, no reaction ( I know, I am totally crazy) and he loves shrimp. Who knew, guess you don't know til you try.

1 comment:

  1. It's so much more dramatic hearing you tell it again! HA! I can just picture you not breathing waiting for something major to happen! You crack me up... Go McClain eat more shrimp!
