Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 26

McClain getting a hang on riding his sled. He really got going quick down that hill, you could hear him laughing all the way and when he got to the bottom he yelled up at his Dad, "that was fun, I want to go again, again a bunch!" My super sweet, snow babies... Just before we loaded up into the car to come home, McClain asked if he could 'Karate Chop' his snow man... We made a super cute snow man, with acorn eyes, a pine cone nose, pine tree needles smile with sticks for arms and a leaf for a hat...

I think I said this a couple of months ago, but now I am pretty sure, that today was our last visit to the snow for the year (who knows though, with this crazy weather). So after this last storm, the camp had plenty of snow to go play in again, we decided we would take the boys up for a day trip of snow fun. Its alot of packing and driving for a short time of play, but o-so worth it. And being able to go to the camp where the is so much snow, and no other people out playing in it. Awsome!!

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