Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24

Its a boo-boo day here at the Blackmon house, and I hate boo-boos. This afternoon Ashton had a hold of the remote control and he bit it, then cried, then bit it again and cried again. What in the world. Then I took it from him and he cried again. When I took it from him I could see a little tiny bit of blood on the corner of the controller. Again what the heck! Well he is teething, with a top tooth already just barley though, so it looks like he thought it was going to feel good and get some relief of those gums by biting down on that controller. Turns out it hurt instead, that mad him mad, so he tried it again, still hurt, mad again. Poor baby! Teething hurts! Then a just a few hours later when Clint got home, the boys were out helping him get into the house when all of a sudden I hear screaming and crying from McClain. Apparently he crawled though the doggie door and pulled on a rope that was around the door handle. Well this resulted in him shutting his pinkie finger in the door. Yes shut it in the door, Clint had to open the door to get it out. You know how bad that must of hurt... He cried and cried and screamed some more, I felt so bad. And there really is not much you can do, a little ice for as long as he would allow it. And holding, kissing the boo-boo and soothing is all you can do. So his poor little pinkie is now black and blue and chubby swollen all the way down.. Rough day for the boys and the Blackmon house this afternoon...

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