Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27

Well the ball pit has made it back into the house today. And guess what... Ashton hates it. He likes to try and pull up on it, he likes to stand up on the side and look in and watch McClain play in it. Just don't put him in it. See what happens. I think it is all Clint's fault. See after Clint had aired it all up, McClain was just in there bouncing around waiting for Clint to bring in the buckets (yes buckets, 600 balls) of balls. So I put Ashton in there with him, all was fine, he was just sitting in there kinda looking around and watching McClain. Well then Clint decided to just come in and dump all the balls in on the boys. It was loud and they were cold (stored out in the garage). It was a terrible thing to do to him! Of course McClain loved it. How different these boys are already. I hope he is not ruined for life on the ball pit.

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