Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14

Happy Valentines Day! I just have the cutest valentines ever! Clint had to go to work today so McClain and I worked on cutting out paper hearts today, we signed our Valentines cards for Dad and we made brownies that we cut out into hearts. The boys each got a little something, McClain a new 'school' workbook and itty-bitty markers to fit his little hands and Ashton a new book for little hands to learn new textures. McClain set up his paper heartsand heart brownies for Dad at the dinner table so Clint would be surprised when he got home and sat down to dinner. But I surprised both the boys when I set their little somethings at the dinner table too. I know its just a silly little holiday, but its a fun one, to just do a little something with the boys, not buy a bunch of junk, but just a little craft and a goodie to make the day a little special surprise. And of course Clint had gotten cards to me from both the boys, so that was a nice little surprise for me too. But I most defiantly had a highlights to my day! First off Ashton said mamma all day long... Over and over again he said mamma. I'm sure not becuase he is connecting me with mamma yet (0-he will though) but becuase he it his newest favorite sound. But he it was a great day to hear mamma all day! Anyone who spends any time with us at all, knows how much McClain just adores his Dad. Dad can do no wrong, and if given the chance McClain will always go with his Dad over me. And truly this kinda hurts my feelings (a lot actually). I know that he really sees much less of his Dad that me, I always home with him, but still. But tonight, after dinner, McClain made Clint go help him make cut out paper hearts for me, for Valentines Day. And he brought me pink cutout hearts to me, and he was just as excited to give them to me as he was to give them to his Dad. {{{tears}}} best Valentine present ever!! I love all my boys!!!

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