Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 15

My sweet, smusshy little man has turned into a bruiser... I can't believe it, it's like I blinked my eyes and he went from just a happy little guy lying on the floor (in one place) playing on his play mat; to crawling (army still) like a speed racer all over the place and now climbing up on things (toys, pile of laundry) and pulling up too. What happened and so fast! Any how guess we have officially entered the bruiser stage, two this week. A few nights ago he was pulling up on the bar between the legs of the kitchen table chairs (which are tall) and pushed up and !bam! hit is poor little head on the bar. Which you can see the bruise it left on the left above his eye. Then last night he was crawling (army), crawling, crawling, fast, fast; when !bam! right into the open closet door. Which you can now see that red mark, which will probably be another bruise tomorrow right on the top middle of his head. He cried after the chair bump, I would have too, but not after the closet bump. just picked his head right back up and went for it again. Guess he thought that there must be something really good in there...

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