Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27

Well the ball pit has made it back into the house today. And guess what... Ashton hates it. He likes to try and pull up on it, he likes to stand up on the side and look in and watch McClain play in it. Just don't put him in it. See what happens. I think it is all Clint's fault. See after Clint had aired it all up, McClain was just in there bouncing around waiting for Clint to bring in the buckets (yes buckets, 600 balls) of balls. So I put Ashton in there with him, all was fine, he was just sitting in there kinda looking around and watching McClain. Well then Clint decided to just come in and dump all the balls in on the boys. It was loud and they were cold (stored out in the garage). It was a terrible thing to do to him! Of course McClain loved it. How different these boys are already. I hope he is not ruined for life on the ball pit.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26

Well bath time was the high light of the day at our house. McClain usally refuses to take a bath with his brother, even though Ashton just loves it when he will. But Ashton just got a new bath toy, it is an octopus that suctions onto the side of the tub, you put in your soap and it blows out bubbles. So of course with a new toy to be played with McClain was all about getting into the bath with his brother. McClain has been feeling a little crummy the past 2 days from his last steroid decrease (and I really do men the last). And Clint is getting ready to leave for a training class for a week up in Sacramento tomorrow. So it was a total jammie and snugly day at our house, not to mention its been raining all day and it is freezing (wish it would just snow already!). Any how bath time was a nice little warm, fun and play full time. Is there anything cuter than two little ones in the tub. O-ya and by the time bath time was over, there was so many bubbles and soap in the water from that little toy, I could hardly get all the soap off the boys.

February 25

Well here we are again a picture of McClain taking a nap. Something that used to be very rare in my house, but lately we have gotten on a pretty good schedule. And guess what we are all happier people. But I could not resist to take this picture because he actually has his thumb in his mouth. And he stayed asleep like that for a long time. Never have I seen him do that before. Funny kid!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24

Its a boo-boo day here at the Blackmon house, and I hate boo-boos. This afternoon Ashton had a hold of the remote control and he bit it, then cried, then bit it again and cried again. What in the world. Then I took it from him and he cried again. When I took it from him I could see a little tiny bit of blood on the corner of the controller. Again what the heck! Well he is teething, with a top tooth already just barley though, so it looks like he thought it was going to feel good and get some relief of those gums by biting down on that controller. Turns out it hurt instead, that mad him mad, so he tried it again, still hurt, mad again. Poor baby! Teething hurts! Then a just a few hours later when Clint got home, the boys were out helping him get into the house when all of a sudden I hear screaming and crying from McClain. Apparently he crawled though the doggie door and pulled on a rope that was around the door handle. Well this resulted in him shutting his pinkie finger in the door. Yes shut it in the door, Clint had to open the door to get it out. You know how bad that must of hurt... He cried and cried and screamed some more, I felt so bad. And there really is not much you can do, a little ice for as long as he would allow it. And holding, kissing the boo-boo and soothing is all you can do. So his poor little pinkie is now black and blue and chubby swollen all the way down.. Rough day for the boys and the Blackmon house this afternoon...

February 23

Well I found out where all Ashton's binks have been disappearing to. McClain keeps swiping them and hiding them in his fire house toy. I couldn't figure out where they were all going, seemed like every day there were less and less. I should have known, I mean this is the kid who had Clint's check book hidden in his train table. Note to self, when something is missing, ask McClain...

February 22

I wish all days could be like today. It was a great day!! The weather is still a little chilly but that is workable, a little layering and you are good to go. But really we just had a great little day. Boys woke up early but happy, we had coffee and breakfast, Ashton took an early nap, McClain watched some cartoons and I finished up the am house chores. When Ashton woke up from his nap we all headed outside with snacks and drinks for a little walk around the neighborhood, Ashton in his tricycle and McClain on his quad and then we kicked around the soccer ball. After our walk we headed in for a little lunch time, then back out to the backyard for some swinging and sliding and clubhouse fun. After that it was back in for afternoon nap time (both boys napping at the same time (!!wonderful!!)) While the boys nap, that is always 'my time' I change some laundry, grab a little goodie snack, maybe make a phone call or two, and see what I can do as far as dinner prep. then and sit my buns on the couch for a time out myself; maybe blog, read, watch a show, make a grocery list and menu, update med books; kinda just whatever. After afternoon naps it was grab another snack and drink and back out side to McClain wanted to play some more soccer, he said that he had to practice for school (???) Which let me tell you the boys loved but its not all that easy to kick a soccer ball around holding a 20 pound baby too. But it really was a good time. Then after it started to really get chilly we headed back into the house to finish up dinner (left overs, love that!!) and wait for Dad. Love these kind of days with my little guys!! And who dressed this kid anyway, those are a lot of stripes, and yes socks on his hands (we do have gloves)...

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21

Ashton just loves to pull on that table cloth, problem being that there is always something on that table. So if he pulls hard enough he is going to be pulling down plates of food, puzzles, drinks. And well that would just not be good. So he usually only would pull on it when he was in his high chair. Simple solution right, move the high chair further away. Well tonight he figured out that he could get a hold of if while in his little get around. Not so good when McClain is up at the table playing a puzzle and I have bread in the oven (I don't need help burning the bread). So Ashton just thought it was great fun to give that thing a big of tug, it just made him giggle. Then when McClain tried to pull it back up, because it was moving his puzzle pieces, Ashton though he had a real game going on. Needless to say I had to take a chance on burning the bread and move that table cloth way up so he can't get a hold of it, otherwise I may have a real mess on my hands, way worse that burning the bread...

February 20

I know, I know, why the h*** do I have a picture of my hall way tonight... Well that would be because we have had a busy weekend of cleaning out garages, and well a whole lot of now fun just work. But today we headed out to Corona to meet up with Clint's family for Great Grandmas Birthday dinner. So long story short... Hurried up and picked up house this morning, then wrapped (yes wrapped) Christmas presents for all the kids we have not seen since Thanksgiving (the gifts have been sitting in the attic). Then off to the Riverside Galleria for Clint to get some new shoes, then to dinner. Ashton missed his afternoon nap which equals a crabby baby, McClain also missed out on a nap and played hard with his cousins which equals a crabby McClain. So all that equals no picture of the boys today, just a picture of the their rooms where the both sleep sweetly. (o-ya Clint's asleep too)...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 19

At the Blackmon house it is mandatory to eat dinner as a family at the dinner table, formal dress attire is not. LOL...

February 18

Finally, we have made it, we are here, we are done with it... Good bye prednisone!! You have done your job, so now it is time to go! And well, sorry but we don't ever want to see you again! It has been 4+ long years for McClain taking prednisone. On it off it, back up on the dose, going down on the dose. It's job was to first battle McClain's HLH and suppress his immune system (the HLH) until transplant time, then it was used to help McClain go through transplant and suppress his immune system to battle the GVH (graft vs. host disease). So in the past 4+ years the goal has to been to get McClain off of this medicine, but it is so difficult to do. First because we have to worry about the up rise of any GVH, and second well because you can only go down on the dose a very little at a time and it takes quite some time to get all the way off. The worst part of the whole thing is each time he is tapered down, he gets sick. I don't mean like cold of flu sick, I mean he just feels crummy! Tummy aches, nausea, loss of appetite, potty problems the whole thing. It is plain miserable for him and stressful for me, because I worry about him so much. And of course there are so many side effects with this medicine, a suppressed immune system is just the beginning. But long term it cause weakened bones, and the the one that I am so familiar with (because people, and I mean strangers) are always telling me how little he is for his age (like I didn't know) it can stunt growth. Which then means the possibility of growth hormones (crossing our fingers, please no), but hopefully he will have a growth spurt. But those really are only a couple of the reasons, it is so important for McClain to get off the prednisone, after he is done with the prednisone he can also get off up to 3 or 4 medicines right away. Then hopefully the rest by the end of the year. So any how, we have been at this game for a while now, and well today, was the day. The very last dose. He is done! So now we have to get through a tough week maybe two, its hard to tell. We just have to get him though it. He is so tough, it's just amazing the things he has gone though, and he just gets through it, better than any adult would. Sometimes, to this day if I think about it to much, I will just start to cry, because it breaks my heart, I still hurt for him, knowing what he has gone through, what he has overcome. And he is here, he is amazing, sweet, funny, smart, loving, silly, funny, tough, curious, stubborn, strong willed, playful, imaginative, energetic and so much more. All the things a little boy should be. And he is here, he may be small but he is strong. And he is our 'little-big boy"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

January 17

McClain has always been out little guy, who is always on the go. Always up with Dad at 5 am to help him get ready for work and make the coffee (he knows, don't wake Mom, 'til the coffee is done) Then he goes all day, never taking a nap. Then the poor little guy doesn't even sleep very good at night, probably because of side effects of all the medicines he takes. So for the past few months I have started making him lay down in the afternoon, whether he wants to or no. Every day before I give Ashton his bottle of his afternoon nap I get McClain all set up and cozy in our room, a nice fluffy pillow, a snuggely, and a cartoon. I give him a little kiss tell him to have a nice break and to close his eyes as soon as his show is over, and that I will come and check on him after I lay Ashton down. And 95% of the time after I lay Ashton down McClain is already fast asleep. I know this may sound crazy to some, because he is going on 5 and that is about when kids will stop taking naps... Well hear me on this, the kid gets up at 5am! What kid does that? Willingly??? Not to mention he is a little guy, who is going though al ot of changes, coming down on his prednisone, makes him feel sick, and just takes so much out of him, his little body needs a lot of rest to recover from all that. Not to mention the lower his dose of prednisone the better he probably can rest, that stuff can really effect your ability to sleep well. So anyhow here is my little guy taking his 'break' because we are not allowed to call it a nap. Guess he is to much of a big boy for that nap stuff...

February 16

Sooo.. today I went and gave Ashton his juice and binki and snuggled him for nap time, I then went and layed him down in bed, then to check on McClain... And well this is where I find him, in Ashton's saucer in our room snacking on his morning sausage and watching cartoons. This kid is too much! He played with Ashton's toys all the time (in fact I believe I have blogged about that before). But really the exersaucer? Not really a recliner, but hey I guess it will work. I think I see a bean bag in this kids future...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 15

My sweet, smusshy little man has turned into a bruiser... I can't believe it, it's like I blinked my eyes and he went from just a happy little guy lying on the floor (in one place) playing on his play mat; to crawling (army still) like a speed racer all over the place and now climbing up on things (toys, pile of laundry) and pulling up too. What happened and so fast! Any how guess we have officially entered the bruiser stage, two this week. A few nights ago he was pulling up on the bar between the legs of the kitchen table chairs (which are tall) and pushed up and !bam! hit is poor little head on the bar. Which you can see the bruise it left on the left above his eye. Then last night he was crawling (army), crawling, crawling, fast, fast; when !bam! right into the open closet door. Which you can now see that red mark, which will probably be another bruise tomorrow right on the top middle of his head. He cried after the chair bump, I would have too, but not after the closet bump. just picked his head right back up and went for it again. Guess he thought that there must be something really good in there...

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14

Happy Valentines Day! I just have the cutest valentines ever! Clint had to go to work today so McClain and I worked on cutting out paper hearts today, we signed our Valentines cards for Dad and we made brownies that we cut out into hearts. The boys each got a little something, McClain a new 'school' workbook and itty-bitty markers to fit his little hands and Ashton a new book for little hands to learn new textures. McClain set up his paper heartsand heart brownies for Dad at the dinner table so Clint would be surprised when he got home and sat down to dinner. But I surprised both the boys when I set their little somethings at the dinner table too. I know its just a silly little holiday, but its a fun one, to just do a little something with the boys, not buy a bunch of junk, but just a little craft and a goodie to make the day a little special surprise. And of course Clint had gotten cards to me from both the boys, so that was a nice little surprise for me too. But I most defiantly had a highlights to my day! First off Ashton said mamma all day long... Over and over again he said mamma. I'm sure not becuase he is connecting me with mamma yet (0-he will though) but becuase he it his newest favorite sound. But he it was a great day to hear mamma all day! Anyone who spends any time with us at all, knows how much McClain just adores his Dad. Dad can do no wrong, and if given the chance McClain will always go with his Dad over me. And truly this kinda hurts my feelings (a lot actually). I know that he really sees much less of his Dad that me, I always home with him, but still. But tonight, after dinner, McClain made Clint go help him make cut out paper hearts for me, for Valentines Day. And he brought me pink cutout hearts to me, and he was just as excited to give them to me as he was to give them to his Dad. {{{tears}}} best Valentine present ever!! I love all my boys!!!

February 13

Spring is around the corner and today it was giving us a little glimpse of its beautiful weather... So Clint finally finished putting Ashton's new push around tricycle together and McClain hopped onto his tricycle and we went for a short walk around the house (mostly in front of the house and across to the neighbors) but hey who really needs to walk, when you can just meander around and enjoy the beautiful lazy Sunday.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12

Another game of peek-a-boo with Ashton this morning... We were in the kitchen and I was doing as I always do first thing in the am and unloading all his bottles, binki, and sippy cups, so we would have them for the day. And there was Ashton just playing right behind me. Some how he got the rug up and over him, and just thought that was so funny. So I stood there watching him and playing peek-a-boo. I would tell him hide the baby, and he would pull the rug up over his face and giggle. Then he would pull it down and I would tell him peek-a-boo or there's the baby then we would both giggle. Peek-a-boo is our favorite game at the moment. I help him hide his face, he helps me hide my face, and well it just never gets old. We giggle and giggle and giggle (Have I ever mentioned he laughs just like his big brother, the sound just the same, make the same face). So much fun to be a little guy! Can I just freeze him here at this age for a little while longer?

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11

I can not even believe that McClain has grown so much in what seems like overnight. I know it may seen like I am totally crazy, because yes he is still very much a little guy. But really all his jeans are either now fitting where I used to have to roll them up, or they are total floods. He is slowly gaining weight, but that is a whole other story. And his feet, how did he go from wearing a size 5 to a size 6.5? I knew that his shoes were getting tight, what I didn't know is that the poor little guys feet were squished into his riding boots. So it was top priority to get him some new shoes this week during Clint's vacation. So we headed off to the shoe store to get some new shoes. We measured his feet and I couldn't believe that he measured at 6.5. I have had him wearing a size 6 in his chucks, and thankfully those do run large, but I also wash them all the time, which probably shrinks them a bit. Anyhow we make our way to the boys shoes and check out our choices. I spot a pair I like, Clint spots a pair he likes and yep McClain spots a pair he likes. And he picked the pair with Velcro tops (so don't like) the pair with the skulls on the top (not my favorite) and even better the skulls light up when he walks (always said I would never put my kid in light up shoes (never say never)). Could be worse, could be Thomas the train or Spiderman. Any how even though they were not my pick and so not my favorite, McClain loves them, he is so proud of them, would not leave the store unless he was wearing them. And I am smiling here all by myself just looking at this picture and thinking about him marching out the store with those new shoes, all happy with his purchase. I have now realized that we have entered the phase where he is big enough to have his own little opinions (well we all know he has had his own opinions for a while), and likes and dislikes (and likes and dislikes), but never with things like what he wants to wear or buy to wear. And well it's really great to see, McClain getting to be such a real kid, no longer a baby at all. So until the next time he has to pick something for himself to wear, hopefully its not to ugly!

February 10

Well it was Christmas in February at the Blackmon house today. We were able to meet up with Oma at Disneyland yesterday and because we have not been able to catch up with here since Thanksgiving, so she had Christmas gifts for the boys. So after we loaded up the boys into their car seats after our fun day at Disneyland, they both fell fast asleep, fast! So then Oma filled up our car with their Christmas gifts, it was so funny because they had no idea (well mainly McClain, Aston doesn't understand yet) that when they woke up the next morning, it would be Christmas in February at our house. It was pretty funny to see them unwrapping presents today with just as much excitement (again, McClain) as on Christmas day, although a little confusing. But lets face it when in comes to kids, it doesn't really matter does it...its always fun to open gifts...

February 9

Another trip to Disneyland and Ashton's first time to meet Goofy. Ashton has already made 5 trips to Disneyland and has already seen Mickey Mouse and Pluto, but today a bunch of characters were just right through the gate and the boys were able to see Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck. McClain loves them all and likes to say hi, take a picture and give them all knucks and high five. Ashton just stares at them, not afraid, not crying, just starring. Maybe because he has been going since he was only a couple of months old, or maybe because he is just that easy going kinda guy, or maybe because he is going to be a social guy just like McClain. McClain took a race around on the Autotopia car, we all made it onto Buzzlightyear, Dumbo, Carousel, Jungle Cruise, the Train... We snacked on Churros. It was a great day at Disneyland all in all, it was really pretty empty, short waits for the rides, pretty day, boys had a great time. So until another day at the happiest place on earth...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8

Ashton on the run again from me at bath time. Each and every night he gets all stripped down for bath time and just can't wait to get away from me all naked and giggly. Then after bath time its like fighting a silly little monkey to get him in his jammies.

February 7

McClain was happy to let his little brother sit on the back of his quad for a minute, and I mean just a minute. Ashton was more interested in McClain's helmet and the great noise it made when you would bang on it. So here is a little picture that I was able to catch just before McClain was off and riding again...

February 6

Well McClain has a fancy new addition to his quad this trip. A very loud and shinny bicycle horn (which he earned with his toys r us bucks). And well it's working for him because while he can't just be left to go for it, he is doing so much better riding this trip out. Clint is still running (and I really do mean running) next to him to make sure he stays on track, but he has really improved. He is up the hill (with a little helpful push from Clint) back down the hill (this time with Clint holding the back bar to slow him down) and through the sand. And he goes again, and again and again, until he is all tuckered out. He is getting a better hang of using the gas and steering, but we really need to work on the watching where he is going and not looking around, because as we all know, where you look is where you are heading, whether you want to go that way or not...

February 5

McClain always takes his Mickey Mouse fishing pool with him to the river, but so far the poor little guy just can get himself a fish. He stands on the shore and sends off cast after cast, with no luck. Then he tries a different bait or a different hook (like he knows what he is doing). He tries to bring in the fish by throwing out bread crumbs, but usually it just brings in the ducks. Of course there is really nothing in the river worth catching, so he is just trying for an ugly old carp, but its really just for the fun of it all. But its just so funny to watch McClain out there with Clint and Paul trying to catch one of those ugly old carps, then after about 45 minutes of waiting we all pack it up and head up to the house to brush off the sand and have a snack...

February 4

Ashton had his first ride out to the desert on the Rhino today... He was just fine sitting there and then well we all started up to go and he started the crying. Poor little guy, I so thought he would be just fine, but nope, he was unhappy (and usually he just a happy little guy) So I had to watch him cry all the way out the park and across the street (we were all going to watch McClain ride his quad). Then when we got across the street I gr abed him off the Rhino and put him on the quad with me, we went like.005 miles and hour up to see McClain ride, and well he was just the happiest guy again, talking and kicking his feet, we were having fun again. And then when it was time to cross back over the street and back over to the park, I put him back into the Rhino with Mimi, he was just fine, happy, happy guy still talking and kicking his legs. Over the weekend we went out a couple of more times and not one complaint from Ashton just smiles and happy kicking...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3

Babies are just too cute... Ashton was just a happy little camper today (although he pretty much always is :)), rolling around on the floor today, under the kitchen table and chairs, in front of the sliding glass window. It looks like he discovered the light shinning in onto the floor. We all just sat there on the floor enjoying the sun coming in through the window and watching the shadows fall on the floor.

February 2

Ashton was playing peek-a-boo with me today... I was helping McClain this morning, so I put Ashton down in his room to play with his toys, guess it was more fun to find the door and close it on me, then open and close and open and close again. Each time I would try to get into his room with him, he closed the door on me. He just thought it was great fun. Open, close, open, close, giggle, giggle, giggle. giggle. So I grabbed the camera real quick, cause it was just to cute to miss and he is just such a ham. So more open, close, open, close, giggle, giggle, giggle... We must have played this funny game of peek-a-boo for 10 minutes. Open, close, open, close, giggle, giggle, giggle...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

Popcorn...This kid loves his popcorn!!! Its his favorite snack. McClain would sit down and eat a whole bowl of popcorn if you would let him. And if it has cheese on it (from the mac and cheese) even better. He may eat his dinner so, so, and tell me his tummy is full; but he will turn right around and ask for popcorn. My response is always the same, how can you be hungry for popcorn when your tummy is full from dinner. His answer always the same "because I like it". Well he is honest.