Wednesday, June 1, 2011

April 29...Happy 1st Birthday

April 27

Another one of Ashton's and McClain's favorite spots outside is in the club house under the slide. McClain will run in and out and go up to the slide and back around again and again and again. Ashton will just look out the window and laugh and scream watching him. And don't forget the secret password to get in... (popcorn)...It was my suggestion to make up a password and (popcorn) was McClain's pick... (shhh...its a secret)

April 26

The highlight of the boys day, is to get outside and get out of that swing set. Every day McClain just can't wait to get out there, and he is allowed to go out there by himself and play for a few minutes, because I can watch him out the door, and he is now old enough to be trusted to not get into anything he shouldn't. But Ashton he gets so mad when McClain goes out and he can't. He just runs over to that sliding window and yells and bangs on the door, and when McClain will try to get back in or out, he will try and push him out of the way to get out himself. He is kind of a bully already and definitely knows what he wants. Then when he finally makes it out there (like 5 minutes after his brother has gone out) he is just happy as a clam to swing and swing and swing... Well that is until he wants to do something else...

April 25

Believe it or not, this little guy, just a few days away from being 1 year old, already has a favorite cartoon. Bubble Guppies... I know you are not supposed to let them watch tv yet. But please only people who are not parents or at least not stay at home moms say that (I think). Any how it is kind of hard when you have an older one who does watch cartoons and well it will entertain them for a few minutes, long enough to change a load of laundry, or do a few dishes. So here he is just soaking up the Bubble Guppies. I secretly love them too, they are so dang cute and they sing...

April 24

Well like you know I have said before, Easter is my favorite holiday...The nice weather (well the thought of nice weather at least) The spring flowers and clear Sky and pretty colors....And of course the candy...Who doesn't love it when a big bunny leaves you candy in little plastic eggs. And fun surprises in baskets... Any how I wouldn't say that we had the nicest of weather this year, but we did have everything else. And of course it was Ashton's first Easter, so he totally doesn't get the whole idea of hidden baskets and egg hunts and candy. But he will...And McClain he was so into the whole thing, the hidden baskets, because the Easter bunny left just what he had been wanting. And then later in the day after Clint and he had run the the hardware store (yes on Easter Sunday, it was a must, the shower broke) he came home to find that the Easter bunny had left two bean bag chairs and the sliding window open with a trail of carrots leading out to hidden candy filled eggs. And well he just walked around that backyard looking for his egg and talking to himself about that sneaky Easter

Monday, May 30, 2011

April 23

Ok, first off, look at that silly face! It's time for Easter, my favorite holiday (as I have probably said a bunch of times already) and it's time to color Easter eggs.. Ashton first time to color eggs and well he liked the drop method. He held the egg up above the cup of dye and dropped it, he held the egg up to look at it the dropped it. The he moved on to the throw method, he picked up an egg and well threw it... And McClain well this is kind of old news to him, the coloring Easter eggs thing, but he still had a good time, making the dye with the vinegar and water, and checking on them for the perfect color and then sticking them up with the pirate stickers... Funny boys.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

April 20

So Clint was not supposed to be home for his birthday this year, he was supposed to be at work. And he was even supposed to be working til cutoff time at like 7pm... Therefore his birthday dinner and cake and family party were not planned until the weekend. So because he somehow ended up being home for the day, I had to run to the store and grab up a pie. O-wait I remember why he was home, he had to take McClain to LA because he was not feeling well (can't you tell) Any way I made a dash for the store for a pre-made cake and some candles, because its not a birthday unless you get to blow out some candles and eat cake or pie...

April 19

Think they will actually argue about whose turn in is to help vacuum, when they are actually big enough to help me and vacuum??? Probably not...and I'll love em anyway...

April 18

Twins, even when sleeping...

April 17

Why is it so much fun to squeeze all the juice out of your sippy cup onto your high chair and then splash around in it? And ps when you do this on the floor, mommy slips and falls and breaks her bottom...

April 16

Today Ashton discovered the otterpop...UMMMMummmm Yummy fun; and he loved it, every last drop...

April 15

Both boys came out in their jammies to help me clean up and hose of the back patio this morning... They both ended up soaking wet and having to leave their jammies at the door before going back into the house. A fun way to get some chores around here done...

April 14

Dad brought the boys home plastic fire helmets today from work. Surprise Ashton is trying to eat his and its already broken. And he just happened to have the swim suite with flames all over it today...

April 13

You know I love matching boys, and who can resist matching spandex swimwear... OK not my favorite matching outfits, but I am all about the more sun coverage and uv protection. Even if the swim party lasts less than 5 minutes...

behind in the blog again....

Well between both boys have 2 colds in the past 3 weeks...about a dozen doctor appointments between the 2 of them (mostly McClain of course)...birthday parties (yes 2, you only turn 1 once)...Clint working like everyday of the week shopping...smog new found love for couponing (well just saving money;really)...and well life in general really...I have love complete track of my blog...I have missed taking pictures in the spirit of putting memories down in we go again...there will be missed days...missed pictures and of course as always missed spelled words...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 12

I don't remember when McClain got this learning tower (it's been a long time ago), but it has been used and used and drug around the kitchen and climbed on and fallen off of... etc. etc. But the whole side piece you see here with the white board has been hiding in the garage this whole time, just waiting for Clint to fix a piece we broke (guess its been dropped too). Well it was finally fixed and attached to the learning tower, and well its a big hit. McClain loves to draw all over it and have us draw pictures all over it too. Mostly pictures of Sponge Bob and the Bikini bottom gang. His personal specialty is Squidward. I can draw a great Sponge Bob (really its a square, with eyeballs). And Ashton well he just loves to move the marker all around the board, which really just erases all of McClain's are work. That, well doesn't make McClain so happy...

April 11

When we bought this house we always that it was so silly that the light switches are so low, and when we asked why, we were told that is was for the illusion of high ceilings. I just think that the builder thinks that it is funny that little ones can reach them as soon as they are able to pull up and turn them on and off, on and off, on and off. And turn the ceiling fan on and off, on and off, on and off. So much fun for a little one. I don't know why...

April 10

One of McClain's favorite shirts, he can name each type of dinosaur on his shirt. He is going though a dinosaur phase, I guess all little boys probably do. He has a bunch of plastic dino toys and loves to watch dino Dan, and then teach me all that he has learned from him. Then of course there is always the game we have to play, where we each have to be a dinosaur and then fight each other. Boys, where do they get this stuff...

April 9

Another boy who loves his snacks. This one happens to love the Gerber baby vegi dip crunchies. I don't dare open the cupboard while holding him because he will see that little can and just go crazy trying to reach them. And if I dare open the cupboard while holding him and don't get that little can out for him, he just starts to cry big sad broken hearted tears. So guess what, he always gets at least one, anytime he sees that can. I know, I know... But hey they are just kids once...

April 8

I know that McClain has like a gazillion toys. And yes he is always adding more, and yes I have run out of places to put it all. But with that said, I can not believe that he remembers everything that he has, knows where it all is and YES surprisingly plays with it all. It make take a couple of months for a toy to make it back out from the closet, but eventually it will. He goes through phases, he places cars for a week, then moves to games, then moves to trains, then moves to dinos, etc., and etc. (a lot of toys) Anyway here I found him playing with his old friends Toemater, Lightning Mcqueen, and the whole cars cast. And he plays so well all by himself, pretending and talking to them all. I love to watch him, I try and do it with out him noticing so I can see what he has to say to all of his toy friends. And this is why we rarely get rid of any toys, he really does love them and play with them all.

April 7

So I have ruined another child. Ashton loves to watch Bubble Guppies while he eats. Can you see him he is in a trance. Just eating lunch and watching Bubble Guppies. He even smiles and laughs a little when he sees them come on to the TV. He to like McClain will have to learn that the cartoons go on pause for dinner time while we all go to the table to eat. But for now what ever works, right?? O-ya I did forget to mention they both have a bowl full of toys at the table also, to keep them entertained while eating at the big table. Hey its hard to be a kid and sit there and eat, when there is playing to be done.

April 6

On the run again after bath time. Trying to get this baby dressed after his bath (anytime really) is like trying to dress a baby monkey (only after the bath he is all slippery too)

April 5

This is what happens at our house every night, somewhere between the time Clint gets into the house and dinner makes it to the table. While I am out getting plates ready all I hear is giggling and laughing and yelling and roaring. And yep Ashton is right in the middle of it all. From the time they hear that garage door open they can hardly contain themselves. They are both booking in towards the garage door to get out to see Dad and get into the truck and the whole routine. And of course it is already the craziest part of my day between burning dinner, keeping up of meds, keeping kids happy and trying to get it all together and coordinated so we can be outside to wait for Dad. The excitement of Clint's arrival home, well it just adds to the khaos. Then after all that initial craziness, when I have everyone in the house, I hear this and peek over the kitchen counter to see this. Well I know then I can relax and have a good little giggle myself...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 4

McClain has always been our little handy helper, always right in the middle of trying to help fix what ever it is that needs to be fixed. He knows exactly how to use a screw driver and just what kind needs to be used. So here he is helping Dad fix Mom's bike tire.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 3

Ok, so McClain loves to watch Sponge Bob (I know great cartoon, right?) He just cracks up, it is kinda funny sometimes. Well he has been asking me to make 'crabby patties' for dinner. Which is what Sponge Bob cooks on the cartoon, and well it basically looks like a hamburger. So I told him sure, that the next time I went grocery shopping I would buy what we needed to make crabby patties. Which by the way are turkey burgers at my house. So today was the day for 'crabby patties', Dad is home to grill the 'crabby patties' (turkey patties), and McClain was in on all the action. He had his own spatula, which again is a Sponge Bob thing. He had his own plate to put the cooked patties on, and he was all thrilled to be having 'crabby patties' for dinner. I bought really nice rolls for buns and all the toppings he asked for, plus a few more. But no cheese, he was very admit about no cheese for his 'crabby pattie'. So he layered his bun up with lettuce and tomato and squished it all down. I asked if I could cut it for him, but he said no he was going to eat it just like that. And he did all three bites of it. Then he asked if I would cut it into he triangles for him, and I did and he ate three more bites. Guess the 'crabby pattie' is not all what Sponge Bob made it out to be. Although I have to admite the whole making them and watching him have fun with that was well worth the effort. Even though I had to make a second meal for him to actually eat, which he didn't do very much of at all. O-well thats all a whole other story...

April 2

There is just no holding this guy anymore. I mean he is totally still my squishy little man who loves to love on you and cuddle. But when he gets outside, he wants to be down crawling around and exploring. Just like the big kids. And he will do anything to get down there, if your holding him he just squirms around and kicks and yells until you put him down. And if you put him in his wagon on tricycle, well he is only happy there for so long. So here he is getting all around that front yard and loving every second.

April 1

I have to say one of my favorite things about summer is getting the boys dressed in swim trunks and rash guards. I have been doing it with McClain every summer and now Ashton too. They are just too cute, right? And they are cool and can get wet and stay cool in the hot weather, but then they dry quickly too. Not to mention the rash guards are SPF. O-ya and they are so cute!!! Can't wait to go stock up on a bunch...

March 31

Ashton has finally given up the 'army' crawl. I thought it may never happen that he may just go straight to walking. But here we are 11 months old and crawling like a big boy. And pulling up on ever thing, and trying to let go and stand I might add. Basically we have reached that point where there is no taking your eyes off of him because if you do he will be on the other side of the room and into something...

March 30

We have had some crazy hot Hemet weather just pop out of no where. I think just two weeks ago we were bike riding in the rain and just last weekend we made a trip up to the snow. Now this week we are slathering on the sun block and playing with water guns. Did we skip right over spring and into summer? So we have been living it up outside today. We have played moondough outside this am. We have been on a walk today, and then we were out playing on the swing set. McClain just got a new water gun from Target, and he is testing in out on me. He has been playing water guns with the boy across the street for the last couple of days. Good thing I have his old one to fight back. Fight water with water, and stay cool, cause I am afraid that the warmer weather will soon be here to stay.

March 29

A busy morning already. Its always a race against the clock when trying to get out of the house in the morning. Getting boys up and getting them breakfast and getting them dressed and hair combed and teeth brushed. (not to mention McClain's meds). Then there is me. I do my best to get myself together (some days its what we call looking Hemet). But hey is hard to be a mom and look put together too. Anyway back to the story. We all made it out to Target (my favorite store), only with the boys I don't exactly get to do much looking around. Its right to what we need get it in the cart, then a quick stop in the toy section (when I say quick, that's really not what I mean). So after all the toys are completely checked out and a choice has been made, its to the check out. After all is checked out and I do the coupon scrabble, its to the car. Then load up the car with our loot, buckle in the boys and off to home. Well this morning I was trying to rush McClain through the toy search process because I could see that Ashton was getting tiered and sick of that cart. And well I really wanted to get him home and give him a bottle before he fell asleep. Because two things could happen if I didn't; #1 he would fall asleep for the 10 minute drive home, then wake up when I got him out of the car and then stay awake and not nap, which we all know makes a cranky baby come time for lunch and pretty much just throws a wrench in the whole schedule his day or #2 he would stay asleep but not get his bottle, and if you know me, that just doesn't work because I like my kids to eat and drink, and missing a bottle pretty much would make me crazy. So really long story to get to the point of the picture. Ashton started falling asleep on the way home, McClain kept him awake by making a lot of noise, well that was until we pulled onto Fruitvale, he just didn't care anymore and knocked out. So we pulled into the drive, I unbuckled McClain set him into the house with his new prize and grabbed Ashton. I layed him down on the carpet long enough to make him a bottle. I grabbed him up and sat down with him and put that bottle in his mouth ( I know never wake a sleeping baby). He only drank about half before he was dreaming again. But I felt better laying him down for his nap knowing he had at least 1/2 of his bottle...

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28

Today McClain told me all about his 'alien' friends. O-my gosh, I have a 4 year old (close to 5). And he has imaginary friend (and they are aliens). Again how did this happen so fast. Little boys imaginations are just to funny. All day today he would be playing and just out of the blue yell 'aliens', then he would ask me if I liked his alien friends, and then he told me they are green (lol). So I went with it all day, and told him I liked his alien friends, and asked them what they were doing. And he would tell me. In this picture we were outside playing on the swing and he was telling me all about his 'alien' friends and that they were climbing on the monkey bars and going up the rock wall and down the slide. Too funny, all of it. Leave it to McClain to have imaginary 'alien' friends. And not just one a whole bunch...

March 27

So boys were on Daddy time today, while I had to run to the grocery store. Notice they are both still in their jammies. But having a good time. Who knows what they ate for lunch...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 26

McClain getting a hang on riding his sled. He really got going quick down that hill, you could hear him laughing all the way and when he got to the bottom he yelled up at his Dad, "that was fun, I want to go again, again a bunch!" My super sweet, snow babies... Just before we loaded up into the car to come home, McClain asked if he could 'Karate Chop' his snow man... We made a super cute snow man, with acorn eyes, a pine cone nose, pine tree needles smile with sticks for arms and a leaf for a hat...

I think I said this a couple of months ago, but now I am pretty sure, that today was our last visit to the snow for the year (who knows though, with this crazy weather). So after this last storm, the camp had plenty of snow to go play in again, we decided we would take the boys up for a day trip of snow fun. Its alot of packing and driving for a short time of play, but o-so worth it. And being able to go to the camp where the is so much snow, and no other people out playing in it. Awsome!!