Monday, April 4, 2011

March 29

A busy morning already. Its always a race against the clock when trying to get out of the house in the morning. Getting boys up and getting them breakfast and getting them dressed and hair combed and teeth brushed. (not to mention McClain's meds). Then there is me. I do my best to get myself together (some days its what we call looking Hemet). But hey is hard to be a mom and look put together too. Anyway back to the story. We all made it out to Target (my favorite store), only with the boys I don't exactly get to do much looking around. Its right to what we need get it in the cart, then a quick stop in the toy section (when I say quick, that's really not what I mean). So after all the toys are completely checked out and a choice has been made, its to the check out. After all is checked out and I do the coupon scrabble, its to the car. Then load up the car with our loot, buckle in the boys and off to home. Well this morning I was trying to rush McClain through the toy search process because I could see that Ashton was getting tiered and sick of that cart. And well I really wanted to get him home and give him a bottle before he fell asleep. Because two things could happen if I didn't; #1 he would fall asleep for the 10 minute drive home, then wake up when I got him out of the car and then stay awake and not nap, which we all know makes a cranky baby come time for lunch and pretty much just throws a wrench in the whole schedule his day or #2 he would stay asleep but not get his bottle, and if you know me, that just doesn't work because I like my kids to eat and drink, and missing a bottle pretty much would make me crazy. So really long story to get to the point of the picture. Ashton started falling asleep on the way home, McClain kept him awake by making a lot of noise, well that was until we pulled onto Fruitvale, he just didn't care anymore and knocked out. So we pulled into the drive, I unbuckled McClain set him into the house with his new prize and grabbed Ashton. I layed him down on the carpet long enough to make him a bottle. I grabbed him up and sat down with him and put that bottle in his mouth ( I know never wake a sleeping baby). He only drank about half before he was dreaming again. But I felt better laying him down for his nap knowing he had at least 1/2 of his bottle...

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