Monday, May 30, 2011

April 23

Ok, first off, look at that silly face! It's time for Easter, my favorite holiday (as I have probably said a bunch of times already) and it's time to color Easter eggs.. Ashton first time to color eggs and well he liked the drop method. He held the egg up above the cup of dye and dropped it, he held the egg up to look at it the dropped it. The he moved on to the throw method, he picked up an egg and well threw it... And McClain well this is kind of old news to him, the coloring Easter eggs thing, but he still had a good time, making the dye with the vinegar and water, and checking on them for the perfect color and then sticking them up with the pirate stickers... Funny boys.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

April 20

So Clint was not supposed to be home for his birthday this year, he was supposed to be at work. And he was even supposed to be working til cutoff time at like 7pm... Therefore his birthday dinner and cake and family party were not planned until the weekend. So because he somehow ended up being home for the day, I had to run to the store and grab up a pie. O-wait I remember why he was home, he had to take McClain to LA because he was not feeling well (can't you tell) Any way I made a dash for the store for a pre-made cake and some candles, because its not a birthday unless you get to blow out some candles and eat cake or pie...

April 19

Think they will actually argue about whose turn in is to help vacuum, when they are actually big enough to help me and vacuum??? Probably not...and I'll love em anyway...

April 18

Twins, even when sleeping...

April 17

Why is it so much fun to squeeze all the juice out of your sippy cup onto your high chair and then splash around in it? And ps when you do this on the floor, mommy slips and falls and breaks her bottom...

April 16

Today Ashton discovered the otterpop...UMMMMummmm Yummy fun; and he loved it, every last drop...

April 15

Both boys came out in their jammies to help me clean up and hose of the back patio this morning... They both ended up soaking wet and having to leave their jammies at the door before going back into the house. A fun way to get some chores around here done...

April 14

Dad brought the boys home plastic fire helmets today from work. Surprise Ashton is trying to eat his and its already broken. And he just happened to have the swim suite with flames all over it today...

April 13

You know I love matching boys, and who can resist matching spandex swimwear... OK not my favorite matching outfits, but I am all about the more sun coverage and uv protection. Even if the swim party lasts less than 5 minutes...

behind in the blog again....

Well between both boys have 2 colds in the past 3 weeks...about a dozen doctor appointments between the 2 of them (mostly McClain of course)...birthday parties (yes 2, you only turn 1 once)...Clint working like everyday of the week shopping...smog new found love for couponing (well just saving money;really)...and well life in general really...I have love complete track of my blog...I have missed taking pictures in the spirit of putting memories down in we go again...there will be missed days...missed pictures and of course as always missed spelled words...